Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Plans Coming Together for Next Year

I have been doing a lot of researching curriculum for the Fall. At this point, this is our plan:
  • Family Time Bible in Pictures (I'm still searching out what will follow this)
  • Math-U-See, again
  • Considering God's Creation, for Science
  • Our Nation Under God, for history
  • A Reason for Handwriting
  • Explode the Code, online version
  • Typing With Timon and Pumbaa
I'm currently on the look out for a good time-line, from creation to present day, to hang up. When the boys are a little older, we'll probably do a time-line book.
I'm also interested in finding something for Geography, studying each state. I've been looking at Cantering the Country.
We have considered doing Piano Wizard, but haven't been able to find any reviews on it.

Probable schedule:
Each day we will do Bible, Math, Handwriting, and Reading.

New Supplies

What excitement for the boys yesterday. They woke up to their very own school supply bag with a new pair of scissors, a ruler, crayons, a glue stick, and the older two also had pencils, a sharpener, and a big eraser in their's. They used their supplies all day yesterday and today.
I tried to color coordinate each bag with the supplies and label everything I could to help keep the peace as well as clean up accountability.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New Reading Program

Caleb began the online version of Explode the Code yesterday. Already he is learning a lot and loves the reward system it has. This program allows the teacher, me, to easily track his progress.
He also got a new workbook, Jump Start 1st Grade Reading, which will help with both reading and writing.

Creation Museum

We spent a full day at the Creation Museum today.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Monday, January 11, 2010

Our Line of Greeting Cards

Today the boys pasted together cards for thank you's and pen pals.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


We learned the differences between the queen bee, the worker bees, and the drone bees, as well as many other bee facts. We also learned what all is involved in beekeeping and may have our try at it when the boys are older.

Monday, January 4, 2010

thousands, millions, billions, trillions and negative numbers

Caleb has been curious about counting really high, so I showed him on paper what comes after hundreds. And, with the freeeeezing temperatures we've been having, he's also been asking about negative numbers, so I showed him on paper how to count below 0. He also worked on his regular Math-U-See work.

Lewis and Clark

We learned about Lewis and Clark's Expedition West today. We learned anout pioneers, settlers, and wagon trains. Then we found St. Louis and the Missouri River on our map. We also identified the Eastern USA and the Western USA.