Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Jumping Jacks
Caleb and his brothers learned how to do jumping jacks today. Caleb has also been wrapping presents for his brothers and writing labels for them.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Merry Christmas!
We are doing crafts, baking cookies, playing in the snow, and getting ready for visitors this week. Caleb received his first penpal letter yesterday with a handmade card. He was so excited. And now, his brothers really want penpals, too.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Funny Faces
I gave Caleb a stack of shapes that I had cut out along with a glue stick. And, he had fun.

softening and hardening chocolate

Today for our science experiment, we softened and hardened chocolate. We made peppermint bark! Caleb smashed up a few candy canes in a sandwich bag by hitting it with a big spoon. We placed chocolate chips in a dish and melted them in the microwave. We then spread the melted chocolate out over a pan. Caleb then sprinkled the smashed candy over the chocolate and then placed the pan into the fridge to harden.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Today is Geography day. We learned about all of the different types of landforms using BrainPop.com. I've considered joining brainpop and am using the 5 day trial right now, but I doubt we will do it. I would love to find something similar, but with a Christian world view.
Caleb actually learned some Algebra today! Math-U-See teaches beginning Algebra right along with addition. He was solving problems like x+3=9.
Monday, December 7, 2009
sick day (just a normal day here)
Caleb and the rest of the family are sick and so if he had been attending regular school, he would have not gone today, but since he is schooled at home, it was just a normal day.
He continues to do Bible using "Family-Time Bible in Pictures", which the boys and I have really enjoyed. We're only about 1/3 of the way through, so we'll be using this for quite a long time. Each section has a couple questions following.
Then he does his Math U See work. Today he learned how to skip count by tens. We have gotten into a routine of doing 2 pages a day. If he gets anything wrong, I erase his answer and he reworks each problem until he gets each correct. If I notice he's not understanding something, we go back and review. He does one chapter lesson over the course of 3 days, usually.
Today we continued on with our history book, which we really like, as well. We are about 2/3 done with this book and so I'm on the outlook for what we will do after we complete it.
He continues to do Bible using "Family-Time Bible in Pictures", which the boys and I have really enjoyed. We're only about 1/3 of the way through, so we'll be using this for quite a long time. Each section has a couple questions following.
Then he does his Math U See work. Today he learned how to skip count by tens. We have gotten into a routine of doing 2 pages a day. If he gets anything wrong, I erase his answer and he reworks each problem until he gets each correct. If I notice he's not understanding something, we go back and review. He does one chapter lesson over the course of 3 days, usually.
Today we continued on with our history book, which we really like, as well. We are about 2/3 done with this book and so I'm on the outlook for what we will do after we complete it.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
freezing salt water (and pepper water!)
Caleb is conducting his own experiment today. He is testing which will freeze faster; salt water or pepper water.
All of the boys get to watch "Charlotte's Web" which we're finding is much closer to the book than the "Stuart Little" movie was.
All of the boys get to watch "Charlotte's Web" which we're finding is much closer to the book than the "Stuart Little" movie was.
Monday, November 30, 2009
New puppies
Caleb learned how to handle and bathe puppies today.
Friends of our's gave us the last two puppies of their litter last night. One is the runt and one is very big. They are around 2 to 3 months and have been outdoor dogs up to this point. We're going to keep them between our sunroom and outside. By April, they will probably be outdoor all of the time and we'll build them a dog house. In the mean time, we'll be installing an underground fence to keep them from the road.
Friends of our's gave us the last two puppies of their litter last night. One is the runt and one is very big. They are around 2 to 3 months and have been outdoor dogs up to this point. We're going to keep them between our sunroom and outside. By April, they will probably be outdoor all of the time and we'll build them a dog house. In the mean time, we'll be installing an underground fence to keep them from the road.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Thanksgiving Week
Mondays are our history days. We read a chapter and answer questions out of History for Little Pilgrims. It just so happened that this week's chapter talked about the first Thanksgiving! I did not plan this and was surprised when I realized where our chapter was leading. After we read our chapter, we watched a small portion of A New World to show what the ships, canoes, log homes, and teepees looked like.
Today Caleb learned how to jump rope with a long scarf. Perhaps we should look for a real jump rope!
We also visited a local farm today that had peacocks, goats, cows, and chickens.
Today Caleb learned how to jump rope with a long scarf. Perhaps we should look for a real jump rope!
We also visited a local farm today that had peacocks, goats, cows, and chickens.
Physical Education,
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
The Primary Colors
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
The boys made dinner
We have dinner cooking in the crock pot. The older two put a family size can of mushroom soup, 2 cups of milk, and 1 lb. chopped chicken into the pot and placed it on low. Closer to dinner they'll add chopped broccoli.
We also learned about Martin Luther in our history book. We added "Luther" to our Netflix list.
We also learned about Martin Luther in our history book. We added "Luther" to our Netflix list.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
What can float?
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
The days of the week
Caleb memorized the days of the week today while traveling back from a family emergency. He also learned a song to help him remember the order.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
fishing boats and sand castles
After taking baby brother to a check up, we stopped at a nearby lake. We went to the boat ramp and watched a few fishing boats get launched. Then we went to the beach and the boys built castles. Caleb dug a ditch around his castle and then I let him know it is called a moat. Next time they plan to bring a bucket so that they can make a real moat complete with water.
They also learned a little bit about vitamin D. Three out of the four boys woke up with runny noses yesterday. So, while there at the beach, I explained to them that they should push up their sleeves and take their hats off and maybe the sunshine will help knock out their colds. It was sunny and in the low 60's.
They also learned a little bit about vitamin D. Three out of the four boys woke up with runny noses yesterday. So, while there at the beach, I explained to them that they should push up their sleeves and take their hats off and maybe the sunshine will help knock out their colds. It was sunny and in the low 60's.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
a candle, a jar, and some air

The boys learned a little bit about how air moves even though we can't see it moving. We placed a box in front of the candle and tried to blow it out, but the air couldn't get to it. When we put a round jar in front, the air went around the jar and the candle was blown out. The oldest understood that the air wasn't going through the glass, but moving around it.
We are currently half way through reading Charlotte's Web and will rent the movie when we are done.Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Plane Trip!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Fall leaves
Thursday, October 1, 2009
We have chickens now!
We bought 7 laying hens yesterday. They are now between a temporary coop (our dog cage) and a pin that my husband put together last night. I had no idea how well the boys would do with these animals. They fed, watered, and rounded them up today, while I'm still working up the nerve just to pick one up! They were on cloud nine when I kept going on and on about how well they did!
(editing to add pictures of our new coop)

(editing to add pictures of our new coop)

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Nest Family Videos
We bought the Animated New Testiment Nest dvds at the homeschool convention we went to in April as part of our curriculum.
They have been great. Today we have watched three, which we don't usually do. The ones we picked out today have to do with end times, faith in Christ, and the miracles of Jesus. We're feeling a greater urgency to be teaching our boys about these things.
Caleb got to use all of his blocks for Math U See today and he was very excited about this. After he was done with his worksheets, I let him play with the blocks, which I figure will help him continue learning.
They have been great. Today we have watched three, which we don't usually do. The ones we picked out today have to do with end times, faith in Christ, and the miracles of Jesus. We're feeling a greater urgency to be teaching our boys about these things.
Caleb got to use all of his blocks for Math U See today and he was very excited about this. After he was done with his worksheets, I let him play with the blocks, which I figure will help him continue learning.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Big Boys
Luke did some workbook pages for math and reading today. He doesn't consistently do work like Caleb yet because he's only four, but when he does, he feels like such a big boy.
We all read several books today. Caleb is definitely improving with his reading. He was really trying hard today and had a good attitude, which I think was because he was still feeling like such a big boy after making everyone lunch- pb&j sandwiches.
Speaking of big boys, Joey is pretty much potty trained. He goes all day diaper free, and now is diaper free at naptime. He's wearing a pull-up at night, but I really don't know if he still needs it. I am a little scared to try going w/o.
And, of course, our other big boy, Micah. He, at 6 weeks old, is consistently wearing 3-6 months clothes now.
We all read several books today. Caleb is definitely improving with his reading. He was really trying hard today and had a good attitude, which I think was because he was still feeling like such a big boy after making everyone lunch- pb&j sandwiches.
Speaking of big boys, Joey is pretty much potty trained. He goes all day diaper free, and now is diaper free at naptime. He's wearing a pull-up at night, but I really don't know if he still needs it. I am a little scared to try going w/o.
And, of course, our other big boy, Micah. He, at 6 weeks old, is consistently wearing 3-6 months clothes now.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Capillary Action
Although I don't remember "capillary action" from school, I do remember doing this Science experiment in the 2nd grade.
capillary action: the process that allows water and other nutrients to move up
from the ground to all parts of a plant.
The bottom peddles began to change color first and are the darkest now. The red one never did change a whole lot, although you can see the red color well in the stem.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Cleaning Pennies

For Science, we experimented with vinegar and salt to clean pennies.
We filled a jar with some vinegar and mixed in a teaspoon of salt. Unfortunately, we could not find the white vinegar. It is in a moving box somewhere. So, instead we tried using apple cider vinegar.
We let the pennies soak in the solution for a few minutes. Then, Caleb took out half of the coins and let them dry on a paper towel. The other half of the coins, he washed off with water before laying them on the paper towel to dry.
The pennies weren't too clean after soaking for those few minutes. So, we made up the same solution again and let them set throughout lunch and our movie.
Again, Caleb took half out and let them dry on a paper towel and the other half out and washed them off before setting them out to dry. They were a little cleaner than before, but still weren't clean like our Science book said they would be, so we are going to do it all again once we find our white vinegar. The pennies that are not washed off, still have some solution on them, so when the oxygen in the air hits them, a new reaction is supposed to occur, turning them a bluish-green color and this is what happened. TO BE CONTINUTED.

Caleb's math took a much more challenging turn today, so I doubt he will be flying through his worksheets as fast now. He is now on chapter, or lesson, number 9. Each lesson has 6 worksheets.
Back with an update: Not much to say. Caleb set the pennies in a jar with the white vinegar and salt solution, and they are still pretty dirty.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Monday, Caleb read Hot Dog.
We read the first chapeter of History for Little Pilgrims for our history lesson.
All three boys watched Math Circus by Leap Frog. We bought 5 Leap Frong dvds recently. We used to check these out from the library constantly and knew they would be nice to have. The boys have learned so much from them!
Today, Caleb read My Dog Talks.
For Geography, we studied some things about California. Caleb was born in California and he and his daddy and brother will be taking a trip there soon. The boys learned how to find The United States and the state of California on a map and on the globe. They saw all of the states they will be flying across on their way. They also learned about the Pacific Ocean that they'll be able to see soon.
Physical Education,
Friday, September 11, 2009
math day
Caleb didn't want to stop doing math today and ended up completing 18 Math U See worksheets! Some of them required writing numbers, so we skipped his writing lesson.
He picked Cooking with the Cat to read.
I read 3 chapters in Stuart Little. Then Caleb began an art project, which I'll post pictures of once its done. This was our longest school day by far.
He picked Cooking with the Cat to read.
I read 3 chapters in Stuart Little. Then Caleb began an art project, which I'll post pictures of once its done. This was our longest school day by far.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
What we accomplished today...
We started with more Bible, Math, and Writing.
Caleb read Cat Traps.
I read to them the first chapter of Stuart Little.
They are now listening to Devotion and building Legos. We bought this album when the African's Children Choir came to our area last year.
Caleb read Cat Traps.
I read to them the first chapter of Stuart Little.
They are now listening to Devotion and building Legos. We bought this album when the African's Children Choir came to our area last year.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
First Day of School


Joey tagged along...

Math U See
First they watched a video and then worked on the corresponding worksheets.

We set up three bowls of water: warm, room temperature and cold. They placed their hands in the warm and cold bowls for 30 seconds and then placed both hands in the room temperature one and noticed how much different each hand felt in the same water.

This is the book Caleb read to me. He surprised even himself with how well he did.


Joey tagged along...

Math U See
First they watched a video and then worked on the corresponding worksheets.

We set up three bowls of water: warm, room temperature and cold. They placed their hands in the warm and cold bowls for 30 seconds and then placed both hands in the room temperature one and noticed how much different each hand felt in the same water.

This is the book Caleb read to me. He surprised even himself with how well he did.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Our Homeschool Room
We are so excited about our new homeschool room, which is a large sunroom. It is a multi-purpose room as we'll also have our dining table in there and a place to watch movies. Also, it has places for coats, shoes, and our dog's bed. Once it is all put together, I'll share pictures.
Caleb and I have been organizing all of the children's books into groups to make them easier to find. He really enjoys organizing. I was surprised when he mentioned putting the "classics" together. LOL How does a 5 year old know what the word classic means?
I am trying to figure out how to hang our maps back up. This room has so many windows that there isn't wall space for maps. I may need to save up for one of those classroom pull down map fixtures. I'm sure they are not cheap.
Caleb and I have been organizing all of the children's books into groups to make them easier to find. He really enjoys organizing. I was surprised when he mentioned putting the "classics" together. LOL How does a 5 year old know what the word classic means?
I am trying to figure out how to hang our maps back up. This room has so many windows that there isn't wall space for maps. I may need to save up for one of those classroom pull down map fixtures. I'm sure they are not cheap.
recent favorite activites
The older two boys spend a good part of their day building with Legos. This past week, Daddy has been home and had them outside learning archery and taking hayless hayrides in the lawn mower trailer. I can't believe how big they look with their bows! They are quite good at this. Caleb loads his bow and fills up his target very quickly. I was able to watch Luke get his first bullseye. 

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
New Baby, New House, and a New School Year
We have a new baby at our house! Micah was born just 5 days ago. He is a wonderful little baby and I am looking forward to the coming months of taking care of Micah and homeschooling our other three boys. Our oldest, Caleb, is turning 6 soon and so I am starting a real homeschool schedule for September. He is so ready to start learning to read each day and I know he will catch on quickly with this consistancy. We will also begin writing and math daily. Lots of fun things will be thrown in having to do with other subjects like science, history, geography, etc. We have just moved from the city to a country home. That really adds to the excitement of starting this new chapter in our lives.
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